Content Ideas for Instagram for Small Businesses

“I’m about to give you 5 instagram content ideas for small business that you can do right now. ”

What we will discuss:

  • What Instagram is looking for when boosting your posts to get more views

  • What type of posts get the most engagement

  • 5 Content Ideas for Instagram

  • The missing piece and what to do next

Let’s begin…

Content Ideas for small business

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What Instagram is looking for when boosting your posts

What does engagement really mean to Instagram and how it affects how people see your post

Likes are not as  important as they used to be  any more.  Matter of fact they are really looking to get rid of it in the future entirely.  It’s all about how many people are making the effort to comment, share, and save your posts. When the algorithm sees that people are engaging with your post by commenting, sharing, and saving it tells Instagram to push your content out to more people because people are making a concerted effort to engage with your content

what type of posts get the most engagement


  2. Carousel Posts

  3. Pictures of yourself

  4. Video

  5. Reels 

These types of posts convert because they are share worthy, they are educational, they get to know you or your business, and they are relatable to the average person. View the full article on 15 Ways to Better Engagement here.

Now that you know the types of posts that work you might want some content ideas that work great for your small business. Try rotating the different types of posts with the following content ideas.

5 Types of content ideas that work great for small businesses

  1. Mistakes: Share common mistakes that people are doing that relate to your niche. It could be things that people may not have even thought of but you bringing it to mind will peak their interest.  Share the mistake, why they may think that way, share why its wrong, and then share the solution. Never leave them hanging on the why always share the how.

  2.  Myths: In any niche there are always naysayers. Debunk those thoughts or opinions by sharing why you can prove it wrong. Getting people to rethink their limiting beliefs with proven strategies will get them looking at more content from you.  

  3. Quick tips: Quick wins help to take your education and turn them into action and social proof. If you are able to give them at least 1 quick win that they can do the same day and tell them to share it, this will give you credibility and show what results they can have if they chose your service.

  4. Lessons you’ve learned: This type of content shares relatability. Share lessons you’ve learned and why you want to help them so that they don’t have to make the same mistakes. Get real, share screenshots, old photos, and throwbacks to the start of your business. 

  5. Transformation stories: Whether it’s your story or someone else's story people love to see how someone started and how it’s going now. It humanizes you or your services. It shows that they to can go from point A to point B just like yourself. In the caption you should tell the story, help people understand your journey.

“Now moving on to the last piece of the puzzle creating captions that gets your followers taking action”

Caption reels people in after the eye-catching posts where that be a video, quote, carousel, or a gorgeous photo of yourself. In order to make people stop scrolling and actually engage with your post, you have to grab them in the first sentence.

What do Next

Now I want you to take a few moments to pick which content idea you would like to use on your next post. Will it be discussing mistakes you made surrounding your niche,  myths about your topic, a quick tip to help out your audience, a lesson you learned or a transformation that you’d like to share for personal insight into your business. 

 Then you need to create the content and Creating content shouldn’t waste all of your precious time. Create templates and have brand photos to instantly share to your social media. Just like the graphics I showed you from my members in this video, The She Bold Stock membership includes all  you need to create content that is strategically on brand. Join the membership in the description below or get a sample of free images to start creating content today

Are you ready to make creating content easier?

Resources to create Content Faster

Resources help make creating easier! Remember you don’t have to do this alone. Outsource and find the right tools to make things easier on you. Now that you have everything laid out, it’s time to create. Whether that means sitting down and writing out the blog posts you outline, creating images for the Instagram post or creating 2-3 videos in one sit down, let your creativity flow!

Here are the tool that I use to batch create content for the week ahead!

  • Canva: It’s the most easy and simple online editor that I’ve ever worked with. Mind you, I’ve been doing this blogging game since 2012! Going with Canva Pro I’m able to have all of my brand identity elements with me to create faster.

  • Planoly: My social media manager plans all of my content here. It’s super easy to plan, schedule, and post. I love that the calendar features key dates to help you stay on top of content planning. You can also use the notes feature to jot down reminders, add your own key dates, and color code by categories! Plus they also give hashtag ideas!

  • She Bold Stock Photo Membership: High quality unique images is important to me. Inside the Membership we have over 3,000 unique images to choose from. Plus having social media templates like pinterest graphics that are designed to capture views is what makes this membership worth investing in. I also have a FB Live Training to share with you too!

Article Recap

There you have it, my fellow solopreneurs, you learned:

  1. What Instagram is looking for when boosting your posts to get more views

  2. What type of posts get the most engagement

  3. 5 Content Ideas for Instagram

  4. The missing piece and what to do next

Ready to put these topics into practice and attract your ideal audience? Here’s a gift to get you started!

Promotional Graphics for Membership.jpg

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Content Marketing Ideas for small business